Free Printable Christmas Decorations

Finding yourself cash-strapped this holiday season? If you like filling your home with Christmas cheer but can't afford to, you need free printable Christmas decorations and crafts. Print from your computer for inexpensive 3D holiday decor. These make great children's craft projects, too. Want to get double the fun from these crafts? Print in black and white and color them yourself. Perfect for seniors, children, family and religious groups and special needs classrooms. Free Printable Christmas Ornaments Decorations

Free Printable Blessed Virgin Mary Coloring Pages and Activities

Free Printable Blessed Virgin Mary Coloring Pages and Activities Mary, the mother of Jesus, is honored on several different Catholic Christian holidays throughout the year. December 8, the Feast Immaculate Conception, January 1, Solemnity of Mary and August 15, the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Here are free printable coloring pages of Our Lady in her different titles and roles. May and October are dedicated to her as well. Catholics believe that Mary has appeared at different times in history. Some of the better-known apparitions are at Fatima in Portugal; Lourdes, France; Medjugorie , Bosnia-Herzegovina; Mexico City as "Our Lady of Guadalupe:" "Our Lady of Knock " in Ireland and " Our Lady of Czestochowa ," in Poland. There are Marion devotions depending upon the apparition, too. Read more...


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