Free Printable Catholic Saints Paper Dolls and Coloring Page Activities

It's been inspiring to see that my most popular articles have been those about Ash Wednesday, Lent, Catholic faith and free printable homeschooling lesson plans activities. Here is yet another free printable Catholic activities website. I enjoy looking for free printable cartoon coloring pages, but my real passion lies in finding homeschooling and religious education free printables. I remember my early teaching days and late homeschooling career, sans computer. I must have made thousands of charts, drawings, graphs, games, etc. Alas, I am woefully inept as an artist, so the lesson plans that required drawing skills...lacked. But now, with the beauty of the Internet, we have access to free printable lesson plans, coloring pages, cut and paste crafts, games and activities. Read more at Free Printable Catholic Saints Paper Dolls and Coloring Page Activities


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